
12 april 2011, low brow media

I was on the telly today, talking about inflation (3 minutes in). From a fifteen minute interview, they culled just one. To a point, this was because the correspondent lazily concluded with the consensus view, whereas I was making the opposite point, namely that whilst initially the small drop in inflation would ease the pressure to raise uk rates, in fact come a month's time the fact that the ecb has gone, and the resulting pressures on sterling, will have worked their way sufficiently through the system to make a rise likely. As price expectations cast off from their moorings, a direction of travel pointing of the ship back towards dry land will be necessary. The vast majority of the report though was vox pop, using the easy-telly of football, and several versions of "hmm, yes, things seem to be expensive, don't they". Meanwhile, as the clan continue to colonise channel 4, my soon-to-be-sister-in-law produced a dispatches yesterday...