
Apart from a few years in the middle-east, I've lived my whole life in europe; the great majority in britain. I am a european, both from conviction and pragmatism. Europe, of which the uk remains a part, is helping forge a new way forward for the world. It is a lighthouse of how old enemies can become not just new allies, but so closely bound and integrated that their future prosperity depends on them hanging ever closer together. At its best, europe brings real benefits from bigger and freer flowing markets, economies of scale, the circulation of best practice and safety in numbers. I have written a lot about europe, mainly in my guise of new europe, and you can read it all here. Watch the clip, by oscar-winning producer alice doyard

when ministers meet (October 2007)

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

[with Wim van Aken] Despite its national composition, the Council is a single 'European institution'. Indeed, the Treaty gives it the most powerful role of any institution. It is the leading voice in most EU decisions. It is also the most important wheel in the Union's legislative process...

breaking up is so hard to do (October 2007)

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

The Scots can do their arithmetic: not so long ago, Ireland, a similar Celtic nation of six million, received six pounds for every one paid into the EU budget. Scotland, as part of the wealthier UK, received just 66p...

boarders to borders – eu enlargement policy (July 2007)

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Fears of social dumping, délocalisation, the EU losing itself as a political project, and Turks finally breaking down the gates of Vienna, have slowly eroded public support for enlargement...

parliament of bores ? (April 2007)

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

[with Julia Bläsius] National Parliaments are no longer the central actors in the shaping of national legislation. If any Parliament can claim that role, it sits in Brussels...

europe- 50 years young (March 2007)

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

[Jean-Claude Trichet] Is there today a better symbol of a peaceful European unity and friendship than a single currency shared by 13 countries and 317 million fellow citizens and a single market across the whole continent...

Attached File: 250307, wsj europe.pdf

europe – 50 years young

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

As published in the Wall Street Journal's US edition...

europe – 50 years young

Sunday, December 14th, 2008 published in Malta...

Attached File: JCT article (malta).pdf

europe – 50 years young

Sunday, December 14th, 2008 German...

Attached File: JCT article in german.pdf

europe – 50 years young

Sunday, December 14th, 2008 Italian...

europe – 50 years young

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

...and in Greek

Attached File: JCT article in greek.pdf

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