nexusworking with impact
Sunday 10th December 2023
Spent the weekend at the nexus global europe summit in barcelona. An eye-opening weekend, with an amazing and eclectic group of very much future-facing leaders, whose company I was warmly welcomed into. I was speaking about building resiliency and foundations for an elusive peace in israel and palestine, especially during this most terrible and challenging of times. Hard to be hopeful, but engaging such a group of next generation investors, entrepreneurs, pioneers and philanthropists did feel a tad part of the answer, and credit to them for embracing this tough topic in what was a very real session. I think all agreed there really are lessons to be learnt from other seemingly-intractable conflicts like northern ireland, and economic prosperity, financial security, job creation and the other components of long-term sustainable economic growth are an absolute precondition for peace and stability, albeit necessary but not sufficient. All elements of "HOPE" are required: Horizon for politics, Overseas help, People and leadership, and Economic development. Diplomacy is 700 days of failure, and one of success. I also learnt tremendously from the other talks and sessions, especially on AI. A little more intelligence and impact needed in the region too.